woensdag 2 mei 2012

Color bug

"In the world of session styling I’m always looking for new ways to change the models hair. Wild crazy colour became the new hot thing but you cant just colour a models hair just because you feel like it. I wanted full on colour but without the commitment! I had my share of moments where I wanted crazy colour hair on a Friday, but on Monday morning I didn’t want my crazy colour anymore.."

Nice talk mr.Color bug!! But what is this color bug?

It is a product that give a color to your hair but just temporary. So you can get that crazy hairstyle for a party or festival and the next monday you can just got to work like nothing happend.

How does it work?
First you put in your styling product en than rub the colorbug in it. The color will stick to the stylingproduct. Do you want your old hair back.. just wash your hair!

Pink on top

what about your roots


How does it work, and the results

Kevin shows how it should be done!

Do you like these little buggies?
XO Twenty9

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